… radical torchbearer, lighting your way to the fullest expression of yourself:

Exquisitely equipped for pleasure-rich, purpose-filled partnership

Hi, I’m Jenny Glick…

relationship coaching for grown-ass women

Let's get started!

And I’ve been a seeker, with three decades of spiritual and personal development under my belt – religious studies, art therapy, drum journeys, Human Design, Gene Keys, Christian mysticism, tarot, yoga, paganism, 32 flavors of therapy and coaching. (Somehow that’s not even half of it!)

I’ve practiced a lot of modalities. Integrated a lot of lessons. Earned a lot of degrees.

But I’m not here to be your therapist, relationship counselor, or sex coach. (Although women who work with me do heal their relationships, revitalize their sex lives, and deepen their self-compassion.)

There are a lot of ways I could tell you my story. None of them start with me putting an easy label on myself. 

  • couples counseling
  • sex therapy
  • family systems
  • trauma healing
  • somatic therapy
  • embodied spiritual practices
  • mindset and meditation techniques
  • the sacred arts

Here’s the short version:

I’ve spent over 25 years showing incredible women how to thrive in rich, resonant relationships. I have education, expertise, and practice in:

For all my education and all my seeking, the most important curriculum I’ve found is the one mapped in my heart. Uncovering it, unfurling it, and boldly following my heart is the way – the only way – I landed in a life rich with purpose, pleasure, and high-frequency partnership.

That’s the beacon I hold for the women in my world. 

And yes, it’s why they’ve called me “a revolution,” “a wayshower,” and a “mother f’ing dragon.”

I’m a change catalyst.

"You helped me do what years of couples therapy could not."

I’m not here to fix your relationship. I’m here to show you how to find the answers in yourself. 

The chorus I hear from the women in my world is some version of:

I’ve tasted the highest highs and the lowest lows a marriage can bring.

The lows came early and hit hard:
  • A catastrophic bike crash that nearly killed my husband and almost left him wheelchair-bound
  • A baby diagnosed with a life-threatening chronic condition
  • My growing sense that I’d been robbed of the blissful honeymoon adventuring I’d envisioned for us

I started to believe I’d married the wrong person – and I made it clear in the way I acted toward him. 

I’ll fast-forward to the highs – a.k.a. the life we’re living now. 

We have an incredible marriage and a powerful connection. We laugh together like teenagers. Our life is filled with intimacy, friendship, and adventure. (Including when we moved to Mexico on a whim.)

We’re living exactly as I’d hoped for 25 years ago. 

It wasn’t couples therapy that got us here 

And it’s the same radical invitation I’m extending to you. One you won’t hear in other containers: 

You have the power, in yourself, to transform your marriage for good.

Without eye-gazing, mandatory date nights, or forced negotiations.

It’s the same power that will guide you to land softly in your being. To allow yourself to trust, receive, and have.

To feel more successful, satisfied, and nourished than you ever have before.

Work with me

THIS IS a radical act of self-reclamation. 

Although we certainly did a lot of it: Couples counseling, non-violent communication courses, psychodrama therapy, family constellations therapy, EFT, Amago, sex therapy, EMDR therapy, spiritual counseling.

It feels strange to say that none of that worked – because I myself was a couples therapist.

But what finally gave us wedded bliss was a protocol I created for myself, after synthesizing wisdom from dozens of traditions. 

It helped me finally let go of my resentment. Tune into the hidden voice of my desires. And learn to be guided by pleasure.

It’s what I’ve used to guide hundreds (and hundreds) of women to experience real shifts in their lives, quickly. 

I hope you'll join me

I teach women how to open to the map within, how to cultivate the lost art of self-devotion, and how to stand in a deep place of trust – so all of your decisions align with the wisdom of your highest self.

This is the magic that comes from awakening to your f-ing powerful, sparkling, one-of-a-kind self. 

It is the source that will elevate your relationship to a higher frequency – and guide you to receive the gifts you already have.

I’m here to help you commit to your own pleasure – and joyfully claim the wholeness in your marriage.

Explore what's possible — for every budget

"What came out of working with Jenny was more than I could have ever imagined."

And it went so far beyond my relationship with my husband. It's so much bigger than that. 

My truth has shifted so much. My husband has felt it. And it was amazing. Because in the beginning. I was like, how is he going to start changing just because I'm making these changes? How am I gonna see this mirrored in him? I saw it within the first week. 

I shifted, and everything around me shifted. Everything looks, feels, and is different.

And here's the thing, this program was not work. There was nothing about it that felt like work. This program was like the biggest gift I could ever give myself. And it's the best gift I could give my family. It's the best gift I could give those that I work with. It's the best gift I could give my friends. It's the best gift I can give this planet. 

It's just been life changing.

- Kate

This should be a part of everyone's experience going into marriage, going into having a child. 

This should be something that we learn early on. We need these tools. They are paramount to being human.”

Intrigued? Join my email list

and instantly download FREE soul-sparking journal prompts to tune into your truth and help you partner with your pleasure. 

Plus receive:
🍓 Tips and inspiration for ditching old relationship patterns
🍓 Concrete practices to untangle from the habits that separate you from pleasure — in your marriage and in your life
🍓 Calls to join my intimate, a-few-seats-only programs *right* whey they open
🍓 Invitations to the Alchemy Hour – my totally FREE regular call where we unpack pleasure and its roadblocks
🍓 Real-sh** accounts of how I apply what I teach in my own actual (non-Instagram-polished) life
🍓 And more… 

My email values:
✨ Quality (not quantity)
✨ Nurturing your becoming (not dangling vague promises)
✨ Fostering community (not selling sh**)

Sign me up!

I’m not a velvet-sofas-on-Instagram gal

I have nothing against velvet sofas. Or Instagram. (In fact, I hope you’ll follow me there!)

Here’s what's NOT my vibe:

  • Teachers who present abundance but live in desperation 
  • Influencers who present serenity but live in conflict
  • Coaches who present expansion but live in constriction

That’s not me. 

I practice congruence, not perfection. I don’t use filters, photoshop, or lies of omission. I am who I am online, at home, and in the containers I create.  I’m honest about my real-life marriage. Not a teller of fairy tales.

The women in my world tell me that’s one reason they stay close. 

Here are some others:

🍐 When you’re in my programs, you work with ME. You’re not lost in a crowd of 3,000 people. You don’t work with a lead coach or peer mentor. One of my super powers is creating a container where you are so safe, so held, and so SEEN that you can unfurl your true self in your own miraculous way.

🍐 I don’t believe in the paint-by-numbers path. Your roadmap to pleasure, purpose, and partnership is yours alone. I’m here to guide you on your journey and nourish the new truths that arise along your way.

🍐 I believe your senses are among your greatest teachers. I mail old-school packages to the women in my yearlong mentoring program – gifts designed to thrill and enchant your eyes, ears, nose, and tastebuds, to shake you awake in your extraordinary ordinary life.

🍐 I’m not here to fix you. Or validate a narrative that you need healing. Or indulge in blame-your-partner scapegoating. I work with grown-ass women. I’m here to remind you that you’re f*cking powerful. You get to create your life instead of being defined by outdated patterns.

🍐 I’m not here to sell you anything. I’m walking my own pleasure path, doing what I do because it lights me up.  

Where is your spark leading you?

The future is calling in more grown-ass women. Women who are more committed to radical self-acceptance than rote external approval. Women who are well-versed in their own pleasure, thriving in fulfilling partnership, and aligned with their true-north purpose.

I envision a planet where women practice deep self-devotion. Where the medicine you bring to your world is infused with real love, care, and kindness – because you have nourished yourself with it and mapped it in your bones.

It’s time to step into your power. To call in – and finally receive – what you want in your life. And to let pleasure elevate your partnership – and lead you back to yourself.

I’m here to help you reignite the spark in your marriage.  And joyfully claim a life that fulfills you – on every level. 

Working with me is a before-and-after experience.

The women in my programs see real change in their lives. 

They tell me about escaping the drama triangle. Letting play, delight, and meaning take hold in their everyday lives. And finding “little sprinkles of delighted hope for the first time in yeeeeears.”

This work is personal… AND global

Work with me



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