THE necessary curriculum for all well-nourished women: 
How to attune to your inner spark. Let pleasure lead you. And fall in LOVE with your extraordinary ordinary life

What you need to know 
– but were never taught – 
about being fulfilled in love and in life



Here's what NOBODY will tell you about creating a harmonious marriage (or healing a relationship that seems beyond repair): it's all about YOU, beauty! When you're 100% committed to your growth, wellbeing, and magnificence, you revolutionize the fabric of your world. You're that powerful as a woman. Especially when it comes to marriage. 

Because when you take on a leadership role in your life, 9 times out of 10, your partner will change too. You'll immediately elevate your marriage (and allll your other relationships to boot). Plus, if you're not sure whether to stay or go, you'll finally know what's right for YOU with crystal clarity.

The bitter bitch that felt trapped, sparkless, and miserable becomes the 2.0 version of you, and you can finally have the marriage you crave. I'll unlock how to instantly uplevel your whole state of BEING in relationship for mega-shifts and SO much more fulfillment, right away. 

Showing Up as a Well-Nourished Woman In Your Marriage

My Jam ↓

Let’s chat Marriage


First of all, let’s destigmatize the word pleasure! Because no, we aren't talking about the X-rated kind (we can if you want to, though, and I'll approach the topic with nourishing insights and a hefty dose of compassion). In my book, pleasure is all about divine self-devotion.

I'll show your people how to tap into the astonishing magic of offering yourself the simple luxuries your body craves. So you can unlock a well-nourished, cup overfloweth, divine powerhouse kind of lifestyle, where you're always deeply attuned with your inner truth. 

Well-nourished women are creative women.

Well-nourished women are generous women. 

Well-nourished women are powerful women. 

My superpower is helping women remember this truth: once you own your sovereignty and nurture yourself with more YOUness, you can ditch your victim/martyr mentality. SO you finally feel confident, balanced, and thoroughly loved up by your sublimely YOU self.

Pleasure and Desire: A Well-Nourished Woman's Guide to Being Self-Initiation

Chat Pleasure with Jenny


It's time to break up with scarcity and evolve into a healthy, expansive relationship with money! We all feel it viscerally: there can be SO much emotional charge around money. The truth is, if money doesn’t feel good to you, it doesn’t feel good for whoever you're exchanging it with. If you're not honoring your value, time, and talents, scarcity is going to fuel you. Which is no foundation for a long-term, healthy financial reality.

A deeply sated woman knows how to tap into an empowered energetic relationship with money, and amplifies her abundance by bringing wholeness into that dynamic. I'll share what it took me decades to understand about money: that upleveling your money relationship is all about honoring your whole self.

The great news? Your money relationship is about to get SO much more pleasure.

Your Well-Nourished-Woman Relationship with Money

Let’s chat cheddar


Get ready to chuck the rulebook written by the good ol’ boys, because woman, you're about to do business like nobody's business (but your own, obvi!) Let's redefine our parameters for success ↓

True success comes to you naturally when you step into the zone of the well-nourished woman. We're talking about aligning with your inner truth and taking time to practice unfiltered self-devotion. When you become the vision-keeper of your business, you start to access a new wellspring of pleasure and creativity so that your work can fully provide for you, in all the ways. 

Showing up as a grown-ass woman in business means you know how to sustain yourself. This is about doing business YOUR way. So that, insteading of getting to the place where you feel like you need to burn it all down, you feel fully LIT up by the balanced life you've created for yourself. I've been in the trenches for decades, I know how to do business the hard way and the heck yeah way. And I'm going to spill some serious tea about how to make your entrepreneurship fully ecstatic. 

A Grown-Ass Woman's Journey in Entrepreneurship  

Let’s chat Sustainable Success

Enjoy embodied wisdom like you’ve never heard it before – to flip your whole script with jaw-dropping clarity

Success Stories

“Two years ago, right after my mom passed, I said a full-body yes to accepting personal coaching from Jenny Gick. It was life-changing for me. It allowed me to go from fear to freedom, from chaos to clarity, to push past the old version of myself and move on from people-pleasing, muting my truth, and being stuck in a 1.0 version of myself. I could ramrod my way through anything back then.  Now, I hold myself accountable, hope for the best from others, and stay detached from the outcome… as best as I can most days!

Jenny helped me find what was inside of me all along and most importantly showed me that as a grown-ass woman my life, my choices, and my relationship are MY RESPONSIBILITY. It is not anyone else’s job to complete me, make me happy, or make me feel fulfilled. That’s all on me.

While I still have a lot to process and I am certainly not perfect, I now know that I am not and never was broken. I simply didn’t have the tools I needed in a container that was sacred and gracious.

If you are a woman at your breaking point and you have been putting everyone in your life before your wants, needs, and desires, please take Jenny up on this offer. I did this two years ago and what she is offering right now is a gift to womankind.

If you are moments away from saying F@*# it all…

If you have been struggling, inbox her and see if this is a full-body yes for you as well.
You won’t be sorry.”

Dr. Chris Eaton Welsh

“When you practice the principles of Jenny 😄 it will affect every relationship and aspects of your life you weren’t expecting. Where I used to fear sharing my heart with my husband I learned he always shows up just how I needed him to. No more shit sandwiches being thrown as I learned to STOP fearing and become curious about things, which instilled a gentleness. It was fear of not trusting myself that was holding me back. I practice my “I am” statements every time a fear pops in and I overcome them so quickly and navigate through them with kindness."

"My business has doubled because I stopped the fear I had around money. I’m so thankful for Jenny and her way of teaching and the healing that takes place with ME first and the rest simply finds a way. My fears are good emotions but now they no longer control me.

Preferred Bio

Jenny's Bios

Bite Size Bio (50 words)

Jenny Glick is a retired marriage-family-sex therapist, writer, torchbearer, and change catalyst for well-nourished women. With over 25 years guiding women to unlock rich, resonant lives – without all the fluff-you-up-coachy-empowerment-stuff – Jenny helps you experience fulfilling partnerships, align with the compass and map of your own being, and come alive with pleasure… through the radical act of BEING MORE YOU.

Jenny is a former traditional marriage and sex therapist gone rogue. 

After seeing the many ways that traditional couples counseling did not serve her clientele she created her own method for dissatisfied married women: the Grown-Ass Woman approach. Imagine a relationship where one person takes full, radical responsibility for their thinking, doing, believing, and feeling in a relationship. 

Jenny's counterculture approach guides women to shed the victim narrative that strangles many marriages. But she doesn't replace victimhood with psyop-y-feminism. Rather, the Grown-Ass Woman approach equips women with maturity, steady wisdom, and boundaries, honoring safety and pleasure in a woman's life. And all this...leads to living a live as a Well-Nourished Gal!

From this grounded place you can organically and entirely shift the marital experience. (Or it will naturally come to its completion without all the scripted dialogues. Without arm-twisting your man to go to therapy when he'd rather have his nuts shaved. Or forcing your painfully shy wife into eye-gazing exercises.) 

Jenny is a change catalyst who can help you unlock a rich, resonant life. She’s written the “operational manual” you need to show up when the sh** gets real.

A wife of 25 years, mother, entrepreneur, and questioner of everything, Jenny lives in Southern Arizona with her hubs, their dog Jane, and a whole lot of wide open space.


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Together let's create soul-sparking connections that uplift all women

My mission in this life is to fill the world with well-nourished women! Let’s connect and help more women discover the divine power of pleasure. 

Book Jenny now



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